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The EurSafe Board is elected by the General Assembly (held at each Conference). The composition of the EurSafe Board aims to maintain a balance between disciplines, languages, nationalities, and gender.


Franck L.B. Meijboom
Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Vice presidents
Bernice Bovenkerk
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Herwig Grimm
Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine, Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna, Austria

Teea Kortetmäki

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Joost van Herten
The Netherlands



Diana Dumitras
University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Leire Escajedo 
University of the Basque Country, Spain

Simon Meisch
University of Tuebingen, Germany

Bjørn Myskja
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Per Sandin
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

Ivo Wallimann-Helmer
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Ariane Willemsen
Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology (ECNH), Switzerland

Former Presidents

Prof. Cees Veerman, NL (1999-2000)
Former Minister of State of Agriculture, Nature, and, Food Quality and former Chair of the Executive Board of the Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands

Prof. Peter Sandøe, DK (2000-2007)
Director of the Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Matthias Kaiser, N (2007-2016)
Director of Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway

Kate Millar, UK (2016-2022)
Centre for Applied Bioethics, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


Honorary Members / Life Membership

Ben Mepham





Prof. Ben Mepham
Centre for Applied Bioethics, University of Nottingham, UK

Given his extraordinary services to the Society, the General Assembly of the European Society of Agricultural and Food Ethics agreed (in Vienna, 15 September 2007) on the proposal of the Executive Committee to appoint Prof. dr. T. Ben Mepham as Honorary Member of the Society. The rights and position of Honorary Membership are formulated in the Statutes.


Peter Sandøe

Professor Peter Sandøe
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Peter Sandøe was awarded the title of Honorary Member of EurSafe during the 14thEurSafe congress in Vienna, for his tireless efforts for the society while he was president of EurSafe. 


Matthias Kaiser zww

Professor Matthias Kaiser
University of Bergen, Norway

Matthias Kaiser was awarded the title of Honorary Member of EurSafe during the 15th EurSafe congress in Tampere, for his leadership and hard work for the society while he was president of EurSafe.


Upcoming events

EurSafe 2026 Cappadocia
9th - 12th September 2026

Website Eursafe 2026


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